My name is Samara White (Pronounced Suh/Mar/Uh). I am a 22 Year old college student/Freelance Artist from Fort Wayne, Indiana but currently going to school in Cincinnati, Ohio. I am also a major geek and chocolate fanatic.
Since I can remember, I have always had a passion for the arts in all of its different forms. From Art, music and dance, anything that lent itself to self expression in a visual form I thought was pretty rad! 
For years, I’ve been experimenting and developing my skills and processes. I find inspiration everywhere I look, and that inevitably filters down into my work. Bright colors, clean lines, messy lines you name it are all the representation of my thoughts and emotions. 
I aim to create works that portray the joy that I feel when I am just in my studio creating; and the freedom to use your hands and make something so uniquely you!
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